EzFormItem Component API
Name | Description | Type |
name | Form item's name path to sync data | NamePath |
formItem | A FormItemInstance to control form item from outside | FormItemInstance |
label | Form item's label | string |
defaultValue | Form item's default value | any |
valuePropName | Input's value prop name to pass data to | string |
changeEventPropName | Input's change event prop name to listen to | string |
blurEventPropName | Input's blur event prop name to listen to | string |
getValueFromChangeEvent | Function to get data from change event | (event:any) => any |
valueTransformer | Function to transform data received from form's data to pass to input and backwards | FormItemValueTransformer |
autoBinding | Auto binding value and event to input | boolean |
inputNodeIndex | Index of input in node list to binding data to. Default: 0 | number |
requiredMark | Show form item's required mark | boolean | string |
rules | Validation rules | Rule |
validateTrigger | Config field validate trigger | ValidateTrigger |
validateFirst | Validate first rule of form item only | ValidateTrigger |
noStyle | Hide label and error | boolean |
colon | Show label colon | boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
onChange | Trigger after form item data changed | (values: any) => void |
Scoped slots
Slot Default
Name | Description | Type |
value | Transformed value of form item, to pass to input. | any |
rawValue | Raw value of form item. | any |
handleChange | Handle change function, to pass to your input's change event. | (event: any) => void |
form | A form instance | FormInstance |
error | Form item error | ValidateError |
Slot Errors
Name | Description | Type |
errors | Errors of form item. | ValidateError | undefined |
form | FormInstance | |
formItem | FormItemInstance |