EzForm Component API
Name | Description | Type |
name | Form's name | string |
form | A FormInstance to control form from outside | FormInstance |
initialValues | Initial values for form data | Record<string, any> |
rules | Validation rules | Rules |
validateTrigger | Config field validate trigger | ValidateTrigger | ValidateTrigger[] |
validateMessages | Custom validation messages | ValidateMessages |
classPrefix | Custom class prefix to generate form's class | string |
preserveValues | Keep field value even when field removed | boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
onSubmit | Trigger after submitting the form and validating data successfully | (values: any) => void |
onError | Trigger after submitting the form and validating data failed | (errors: ValidateError[]) => void |
onChange | Trigger when value updated | (values: any) => void |
Scoped slot - Default
Name | Description | Type |
values | Form's values | any |
errors | Form's errors | ValidateError[] |
dirty | Determine if form is dirty | boolean |
submit | Function to submit form | FormInstance['submit'] |
reset | Function to reset form's data and state | FormInstance['reset'] |
validate | Function to reset validate form's data | FormInstance['validate'] |
getFieldValue | Function to get form's field data | FormInstance['getFieldValue'] |
setFieldValue | Function to set form's field data | FormInstance['setFieldValue'] |
isDirty | Function to check if form's field is dirty | FormInstance['isDirty'] |